Concept Design

​My 30 years experience in Industrial Design and Mechanical Design Engineering, means I'm well placed to provide exciting concept ideas with the benefit of proven Product Design, Engineering and Manufacturing knowledge.

Design for TV & Film

Detailed Design

Once a concept has gained approval, I move onto detailed engineering design. I'm now in the world of accurate dimensions and material choices.

Manufacturing and Build

Once the detailed design has gained approval, all 3d data and drawings are produced then issued for manufacture.  Parts and assemblies will now be made by the Action Vehicles department, Props and outside suppliers.  Various materials and techniques are used from the traditional to the more advanced to bring the vehicle to life, ready for filming.

In recent years I have been part of Graham Kelly's GK Evolution team, as vehicle designer and engineer on various TV and Film projects - this has included Ready Player One, Mission Impossible Fallout, Terminator Dark Fate, Infinite and various other ongoing projects.  As well as this work I also provide additional resource to Production Designers, Art Directors and Props Companies in the design and manufacture of additional props.

As many props can be highly detailed pieces of engineering with vehicles being particularly complex, A series of fundamental engineering rules need to be carefully considered when bringing them to life.  So I work to provide the very best design solutions with proven engineering principles.

When working on a project I feed data to and from all departments, providing a central source of information to everyone. This helps to project manage builds and help avoid miscommunication in a business where schedules are ever changing and time is key.

​​I help with everything from conceptual artwork to fully engineered cad data plus hands on support and assistance during each stage of the build.  Whether it's modifications to something existing or a completely new build for a project set in the past, present or future, I'm here to help.​

Call on +44 (0) 7810 796 549